Lol, maybe GS wont do these stupid things anymore. I wonder how much (if any) they spent on creating/advertising that dumb bracket. The Old Republic release date was bigger news.
Nice article. These problems are only going to grow, seeing as these companies will get thousands of consumers who defend this business model. "sell them the tabletop...then we'll make them purchase the legs seperately". All we could do is spend our money wisely and hope this business model dies off.
@cornbeef5 I understand, but there have been no cases of identity theft due to the PSN attack. Furthermore, if your identity is stolen, there is a free protection plan that can replace up to $1-million....really, you could not ask for more. The free stuff was given to us because of our patience, not to "quiet us down". People should educate themselves about how widespread identity theft is, do not just dismiss this as some sort of fanboy war, your info can be stolen from a gas pump: or your trusty Walgreens or Mcdonald's: Get educated, do not just play "pin the tail on scapegoat"
Identity theft happens everywhere: gas pumps, amazon, XBL, ebay, ....the internet in general. Gamespot really shouldnt name this column Reality Check, theres nothing realistic here except varanini's paranoia and over-dramaticism.
they should've picked better pictures for comparison, grunt is the only enemy we could compare. i feel the UNSC vehicles look much more rugged in halo3, wish we got to use that warthog winch for something.
Virtual_nathan - "guys who created compact disc for gaming could have thought of something better." -Sega CD came before PSX, even then they didnt create the compact disc lol the Move is a cool peripheral but i see it like the EyeToy, its a nice little gimmick but i have no inclination to buy one huge day for playstation fans everywhere? not really
hmmm, i really prefer the ps3's performance over 360's....the only game that looks better on 360 in regards to these screens is RE5 imo im not a fanboy of either system, i own them both but im glad i got most of these titles on ps3
this was my #1 console, still remember the 9-9-99 commercials maybe they'll make another one down the line and create something completely innovative once again
smoman5000's comments