I have a 40 gb ps3 and so far no problems...i cant see why you would need a bigger hard drive unless you fancy downloading quite a few games off the psn store, or demos and lots of game add ons maybe. So far im doing fine with what i have, and what is all this about installing games?? You mean when you buy some games on disc you have to install all the data on the disc to the ps3 hdd?!
Thanks guys, cant wait, saw a video of it on youtube ealier and it looked insane! lol the guy was racing in a lambo and the speed was SO fast, his reaction times must of been pretty insane. Cant wait 2 get it :)
Hi guys, sorry but yet another question about a ps3 game. This time i just want to know whether its worth buying midnight club la on the ps3. To me it looks good, think the car customizing is awesome and the fast paced look to it. Just want to know if theres much of a community on it, and whether its worth the money as i have been doing LOADS of offers on this site and nearly have enough points to get it (yeah i know, shud get a job xD). Thanks again, Sean ;)
lol some good posts here ^^. Well so far i've had quite a few good moments on psn, all of which happened playing resistance fall of man (as it is the only game i am able to play online so far). its 1 shot kill on most servers, so u can get some good kill streaks sometimes, last night i was playing and got 11 kills in a row, absolutely pwning these n00bs, was fun lol :P. Also when i sneaked up on about 3 guys, meleed them with my gun then ran and shot another few players and fragged a couple more, getting myself a pretty cool little kill streak.
Well i've been playing resistance fall of man online, and its pretty awesome actually :). The orange box doesnt look bad but i would only play team fotress 2 which might be a bit of a waste of money.
Hey guys, been looking all over amazon lately for a nice ps3 game as cheap as i can get it with multiplayer support (and people that play on multiplayer!). I was looking at pure and unreal tournament 3 but i was put off because apparently people dont play them online anymore. Any reccomendations please?
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