Finally done with the review of GH Aerosmith, make sure you rate it:
If your not a big fan of Aerosmith like I am, you won't enjoy this game as much as me.
Guitar Hero Aerosmith features one of the greatest rock bands in history Aerosmith! The game offers 24 top Aerosmtih hits including Sweet Emotion, Love In An Elevator and Living on the Edge.
The game also includes songs from their Aerosmith's guitarist Joe Perry. Those are pretty lame but I guess its ok. The game also features bands liked by Aerosmith and DMC feats. DMC is a rapper and a weirdo I never understood why he came in the game. GH Aerosmith contains two videos of Aerosmith behind the scenes. Those are interesting and are innovative. The difficulty level has decreased in the game as many fans of Guitar Hero complained that GH 3 was very hard.
Aerosmith with less than 50 songs might not be worth it for normal Guitar Hero players but is completely worth your time and money if you are a fan of Aerosmith like me! FINAL SCORE:
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