Maukka said: "Fail GS...only diffrens ps3 versio is more light..xbox360 games are more darker than makes it look better but if we edit xbox360 picture for example with gimp and but it on less light we see that its absolutly same as ps3. pls compare exclusive games.Like gears2 and uncharted2 or killzone2 and halo3dst. games that have been made for both systems might have been edited trough bribe." I completely agree with you, they should compare exclusive games not platformers. These graphics comparisons on Gamespot have never been done right and will never do it right if they keep on doing it like this.
Well in Fallout 3 360 looks better. In Soul Caliber PS3 has better textures and details. Dead Space, almost look the same except for minor details missing on the PS3. On the Force Unleashed PS3 wins with its lighting. In Call Of Duty PS3 wins hands-down, better detail and contrast. In Madden PS3 wins by slightly better widescreen visuals. MK vs. DC the 360 wins with better lighting, but neither way the graphics of MK vs. DC suck.
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