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Worst Games I've ever Played

10. Club Drive (Atari Jaguar): Bad graphics, and boreing game play

9. Iron Pheniox (Xbox): Online Fighting Game, brain dead AI

8. Godzilla: Monster of Monsters (NES): Confusing and Boreing gameplay, unclear objectives

7. Bad Dudes (NES): Poor Hit Detection

6. Pac Man (Atari 2600): You can't see the ghosts until they're right on top of you

5. Green Beret (Famicom Disk): the jumping mechanics are broken beyond belief, and there are no weapons other then the knife and an occasonal rocket launcher

4. Transformers: Convoy no Nazo (Famicom): Punishing Difficulty, poor hit detection

3. Rune Soldier (PS2): Bad Graphics, confusing gameplay

2. ET (Atari 2600): Bad gameplay, bad graphics, bad everything

1. Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (Xbox 360): While I love the Xbox 360, this game is a disgrace, the AI is so braindead it can't even run in a straight line, without looking like it's runing in place. A lot of potental ruined by bad game design, bugs galore.

System LIst

I'm posting this as a way of keeping track of my console collection, and what systems I'm looking for


Xbox: HALO Edition

Xbox 360: Elite


Playstation 2


Playstation 1 (not hooked up)


Genesis Model 2

Genesis Model 1 (not hooked up)

Sega CD


Master System Model 1


Game Gear

Master System Model 2 (not Hooked Up)







Atari VCS/2600: Darth Vader Model

Atari 7800




Turbo-Grafx 16


Gameboy Advanced SP

Gameboy COLOR

Nintendo DS Lite


NES Model 1 (Not Hooked Up)

NES Top Loader


Famicom Disk System

Super Nintendo


GameCube (Not Hooked Up)

Consoles I'm looking for


Commadore 64

PC Engine

Playstation 3 (60 Gig Verson)

Bad Luck with Electronics

I seem to be having a run of bad luck when it comes to my electronics collection. First my desktop succumbs to a virus and I'm stuck with a hand-me down laptop that's on it's last legs, my cat once again gums up my Dreamcast's open button, and now my 360 has lost it's video output because of one of three things

1. It was damaged in the recent power outage we had yesterday

2. It has finally succumbed to my cat walking all over it and shedding on it

3. A virus in an update or faulty part

The only positivie note is that I now have an excuse to buy one of the 2009 360s, which I've bee wanting to do for a while now

Perfect Ending to an awful week

And I thought things couldn't get worse after getting into a fender bender this afternoon, well I found out what could make things worse: my cats, messed up my favorite console, my Xbox360 and caused an E68 Error, and this isn't the first console they've messed up: they gummed up my Dreamcast's power and open switches, caused Red Screens on my Jaguar,knocked cables on nearly all of my consoles loose,and they've even knocked my 360 over. Fortunatally things seem to be running fine at the moment, I unplugged and reattached the hardrive and it seemed to clear the problem, but I've now lent thought to possibly getting a second 360 as a back up just in case

Gamespot's All Time Greatest Hero Contest

This is probably nothing new, and I'm not trying to sound like a sore loser, lately I've been feeling like the whole thing was rigged from the start to guarentee that either Mario or Link would take the top spot, even though there were far better characters (Gorden Freeman, Kratos, Master Chief, Cloud, and Ryu Hyabusa for example) on the list. The whole contest has lately been giving Mario and Link a free ride, despite the fact that many of their games tell the same story over and over again, reusing the exact same plot. While I say congragulations to who ever wins in the end, it's not right that Mario or Link be given free rides in every contest just because of their legacies.

First Horse Show

I managed to score a spot on my University's Horseback Riding Team a few weeks ago, and today I had the chance to compete in my first ever Horse Show. While I felt I could do better, I still managed to do pretty good, winning two third place ribbons and a fourth place ribbon for my three events, hopefully I can do better in the competition up in Wilmington in October.

Nintendo Famicom

Well I finally did it, with the help of one of my friends I managed to track down one of the holy grails of Nintendo fandom, the Nintendo Famicom, better known to North American Gamers as the Nintendo Entertainment System. The one thing that surprised me the most about the Famicom is thatit WORKS in North America, with out requiring adaptors. Now all I need to do is track down somemore games.

Finally I can get a PS3

With the annoucement of the PS3 Slim and the 299 dollar price tag, I can finally buy the last console I need to complete my console collection, the Playstation 3. I've been after one for a long time now, but as always the price tag has been what's stopping me from buying one. I just hope it comes out soon, I've been wanting to play Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1 and 2, MGS 4, MAG, Uncharted 1 and 2, God of War III, Killzone 2 and Resistance 1 and 2 for a long time

Review for GI JOE: The Rise of Cobra

As of August 7th 2009 two of Hasbro's big three toy brands have made the transition from toy to beloved cartoon to live action summer blockbuster. The latest outing is of course GI JOE: The Rise of Cobra. Unlike the first Transformers film, which can be seen as a reboot of the Transformers Series, the very title of the GI JOE film is a dead giveaway that it's ment to be a prequal to either the comic books or the TV Show, and the result is a mix between the GI JOE Toys and the James Bond Series.

The main plot of the film focuses onthe story of Conrad "Duke" Houser and his friend Ripcord and the outbreak of the war between GI JOE and COBRA. Unlike the previous GI JOE Film, Rise of Cobra catches Duke at the beginning of his career with the GI JOE Team, which has been expanded to include troops from numerous nations, and his confrontation with the ghosts of his past, while the subplot traces the transformation of Destro's MARS Industries into COBRA.

Fans of Destro will be pleased to know that their favorate character finally gets his chance to shine, as he is the main villain, although sadly he doesn't recieve his trademark metal mask until the end of the film. Destro's plan is to unleash three missiles, loaded with nanomite warheads that are capable of destroying an entire city on the capitals of the US, China, and Russia, as revenge for the humilation of his ancestor, in the 17th Century and the belief that the people of the world will turn to him in the after math of his attack. Assissting Destro in his plan are fan favorite characters Baroness, Storm Shadow, and the mysterous Doctor (the future Cobra Commander) who's actors take their roles fairly well.

While the film is over all excellent, with lots of action, and numerous fight scenes between JOE and MARS/COBRA Operatives, Rise of Cobra has distanced itself from the cartoon, comics and toys in numerous ways. The biggest change is that for the first time in any incarnation of GI JOE, Baroness, Cobra Commander, and Destro are refured through out the film by their REAL names as aposed to their code names, and for the first time fans see what Cobra Commander and Destro look like beneath their masks.

The film has also altered many romances and backstories for some of the characters. For example, in a flash back scene showing the origin of the feud between Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow it is revealed that Storm Shadow killed his own uncle in a jeoulus rage after his uncle declared Snake Eyes a better student, as opposed to his uncle being killed by COBRA. However the biggest change in terms of backstory is that instead of the big romances being Baroness and Destro, Duke and Scarlett,or Snake Eyes and Scarlett,it's Duke and the Baroness and Ripcord and Scarlett. In this film it is also revealed that Baroness and Cobra Commander are in fact Brother and Sister

Of course the biggest altering that the film does is to Cobra Commander and COBRA. The biggest difference is that unlike the cartoon COBRA's Vipers actually have backbones and are portrayed as nearly unstoppable killing machines who are more then capable of holding their own against the best the JOES can muster,as opposed to a group of weaklings who panic and run at the first sign of trouble. Also unlike the cartoon, Rise of Cobra shows that COBRA and Destro's MARS Industries are infact one and the same, where as in the cartoon they were seperate with Destro selling arms to COBRA.

Of course it's the Doctor/Cobra Commander who deserves the biggest mention. Unlike his cartoon and comic book counter part, who's origines varies from an alien nobelman disfigured by a lab accident, to a used car salesman blaming everyone but himself for his own failures, and who as COBRA's leader is prone to fits of rage and is usually the first to retreat when things go wrong, this verson of Cobra Commander is a former US Army Science Officer driven completly insane by his passon for science and the injuries he suffered in an airstrike while on a mission in East Africa. Like the Cobra Vipers, this verson of Cobra Commander also has a backbone, and is capable of instilling absolute fear in his followers. Unlike his other incarnations, this Cobra Commander can best be described as a mix between Hannibel Lector and Dr. Frankenstien. He is amonster in ever sense of the word, a mad scientist who subjects people to horrific experiments often for his own amusement, including brainwashing his own sister and planting a bomb in her skull, which he claims he did out of love for his sister. However the biggest dissapointment is his uniform, which is black/dark purple instead of blue, and his mask has been completly redesigned. Had they kept his trademark featureless silver mask,he would have been far more intimidating.

Over all Rise of Cobra is a welcome addition to the GI JOE universe, and like Revenge of the Fallen it's ment to be fun, an escape from the world and all it's problems, and since this is the origin story maybe we'll see the JOE-COBRA War escilate in a possible sequal, and have the appearence of more fan favorite characters like Maj. Blood, Firefly, Bazooka, and Gung-Ho

Please Let the PS3 Slim be True

I've been after a PS3 for a long time now, but like always the price is just too much. I hope the rumors about the PS3 slim are true, and the price is a lot cheaper then the current models because I really want to get my hands on MGS 4 and the Resistance Games