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snakes3425 Blog

New Games

I turned 24 on Wendsday the 23rd and I was finally able to get some of the 360 games I've been trying to get my hands on for a long time, especally BioShock and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

The one thing I hate about a birthday that falls during the School Year, is I either have class or have to go to work instead of enjoying myself, and I've only recently found time to actually play some of the games I bought.


This research paper has been driving me crazy, but I finally was able to get my 15 page second draft turned in, not my best work but as long as I get credit, and my reputation at the university remains intact I'll be very happy. Price of being a History major, and trying to enter the history field you end up pinning your entire reputation to a few pieces of paper

Planned Project

This is something I've been wanting to do for a long time, I just can't figure out how? I've always had an interest in history, and I've longed to make something chronicalling the history of Video Games and Video Game Consoles from the Oddessy to the current generation. I've thought of doing a video, making a comic book, or even writting it as an essay, thing is I just can't make up my mind and figure out how to make this. I'm open to suggestions.

3 Months and Still Breathing

I got my xbox 360 Elite for christmas, and so far so good, it's gone three months without a problem, dispite the heavy amounts of gaming me, my brother, and his friends have been giving it. I'm still somewhat paranoid about the RRoD, especally since the manufacturing date was August of 2007, so I'm not sure if it's got the new heat syncs and mother board.

Got Tagged

Well I got Tagged, so I guess I have to tell five things about myself.

1. I'm a huge fan of Sailor Moon (yes you read that right)

2. I tend to repeat myself when talking

3. I have a love of Horses and Horseback riding

4. I'm still unuse to playing Xbox LIVE

5. I tend to buy bad games, regardless of reviews. (I owned Barney's Hide and Seek when I was a kid)

I can only think of one person I want to tag: my brother zenaku666

Spring Break

Of all the weeks to get sick, it had to be the week I have spring break and a major research paper to work on. Not exactally the break I'd been hoping for, but I needed a vacation.

Mouse and Internet Fixed, I hope

My brother, his friend, and I finished moving an old chair and lamp that I had in my bedroom into our basement yesterday. My brother thinks that the metal in the chair's electric motor was interfearing with my internet signal. I hope moving that stuff out, boosts my signal. My mouse has also been acting up, i.e. my computer won't recognize it, my brother helped me clean it, i hope that solves my problem, with out having to go to Wal-Mart for a new one.

A Bigger Headache

I just found something that's an even bigger headache then the Red Ring of Death,here it is: :evil: A VERY BAD INTERNET CONNECTION :evil: have you ever been playing Xbox LIVE when suddenly you lose your blasted internet signal, and get booted out of your match, and you have to start all over.

The Final Straw

I've had it with my current X-Box 360 Controler Set up, I'm in the middle of a X-Box Live Team Deathmatch on Call of Duty 2 and what happens, the batteries in my wireless controller die. I'm so getting the rechargable packs the first chance I get.

Mid-Term and Research Paper

The one part of College I hate, my Senior Capstone. I'm suffering from writer's block on my Midterm essay, and my Research Paper on Samurai and Knights. Oh well, just have to keep plugging away at them, until they get finished, about all I can do I guess.