Regardless of what fanboys say neither one of the Big Three console makers is dropping out of the race yet because regardless of postion on a list, neither the PS3, Wii, or 360 have failed in the market place
snakes3425's forum posts
The PS3 has become affordable and is just now hitting it's peak, where as the 360, with a one year head start isseeing it's natural decline set in, and also has thedisadvantage ofhaving a hardware market where the majority of people already own a 360 and now want games and accessories more then theconsole.
Master Chief is unoficially MS's mascot.
As for Playstation you forgot one character: Crash Bandicoot before he was ported. As for Sony's current mascot: I would have to say Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid has been around since the days of the PS 1, or Kratos
Xbox 360: Nearing the end of it's shelf life and is entering it's natural decline
PS3: Just now hitting it's peak
However what defines a console war's winner is how many units the console ships over it's entire life cycle world wide
I would have to say yes, the failures of the Sega CD, 32X, NOMAD, Game Gear, and the Saturn, coupled with the infamous "Saturn is not our future" comment at E3, had ruined Sega's reputation among gamers and the all important third party developers market. Unless the Dreamcast turned out to be the single greatest controbution to Human Culture in History and the cure for both AIDS and Cancer, there was little chance the Dreamcast would've been a big hit.
The Dreamcast in many ways still needed a year's worth of fine tuning, to fix many of the problems that doomed it
I don't think it was rushed to market, however it's possible that during Product Testing the design flaws weren't caught by the testers, however I also think people have blown the 360s failure rate out of preportion, I can't help but wonder how many RRODs were actually nothing more serious then not having the console plugged in correctly (All 4 Lights being Red, as opposed to the 3 lights that signal General Hardware Failure)
It was bound to happen, the 360's the older of the two and the first to start it's natural decline. But who cares really, there's room on many gamers shelves for both a 360 and a PS3
How important is this to you? What does it mean in the console war? Let's say Microsoft dropped support for the 360 and moved on to making some other console... would that mean the PS3 wins by default? Or vice versa. How long SHOULD a system's life cycle be? What are your projected life cycles of the PS3, Wii, and 360?
The how many units a console sells during it's life cycle all over the world is what determines the winner of a console war. Personally I think that support for a console should continue until the console's technology is maxed out.
The 360's natural decline is starting to set in, and it's hitting the 5 year mark which is the average shelf life for a console, so I would say the 360 will probably last another 2-3 years left before you start seeing it phased out to make way for the 720. The PS3 and Wii are just now hitting their peaks, so they have probably have 4-5 good years left before you start seeing the PS 4 and Wii 2 taking their places, however Sony's policy is that the Playstations last 10 years each.
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