@Tsiawddood The thing is all those devices you listed do NOT require that internet connection to work. Yes it's nice when they connect to the internet. But if they are not your phone don't block you to make a call, your tv don't block you to watch tv, your ps3 don't block you to play your games.
PS. I have said this here before. But in here where I live, if I move in worst case I have to wait three to four weeks to my new broadband internet connection to establish. And the first thing I want to do when I can't connect to internet is I want to play my freaking single player games.
400 million Xbox Ones!? I just sprayed my beer from my mouth all over my screen. Lol. Who they are going to sell that piece of crap. Not to me at least. I'll get PS4 for sure and even Wii U if they come up with more must have exclusives like Bayonetta 2. But one game isn't enough to buy the system,
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