Good move Sony! Great sharp edges and boxy shapes are back! Original PS2 was thing of beauty! And slim model was slim thing of beauty. PS3 is just fat. Slim models are just ugly. First PS was... weird, at the time.
@Vinomadd2012 @Killingjoke_666 Maybe he can't demonstrate his japansese to you, but he's still right about this. Would be easier to watch if they simply used subtitles or native english speaker, hell even dubbed would be better.
@acelogan1989 Two good racing games are better than one. And this is very different breed than Gran Turismo. I'm not complaining, I'm waiting eagerly to play both.
Nintendo really desperately needs their first party games released, they need third party multiplats AND they need few quality third party exclusives like Bayonetta 2. I would consider Wii U.
@Kr3isen They bring performance. If you have played ANY game on PC lately or even ever, you will find console games frustrating slow loading times etc. This is what I looking forward the most of next consoles.
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