@Jwash16 Indeed. Yes I have PS3 so I could get that version, but I am not very excited about playing this great game with 25 fps and under, with controls that makes me die more because aiming is just frustrating and without mods.
@UrbanTracker @Techn1c4l I was going to reply the same thing. GTA was originally a PC GAME with multiplayer until SONY bought the rights and they made crappy console game without a multiplayer fun for years and crappy ports for PC. I wish they started to develop for PC again and give consoles those crappy ports again. Why? Because consoles are holding back PC games.
And Europe release is at later date why? Might be deciding factor for me. And if it's $400 it better not be 400€ or more. I'm tired to get screwed for living in Europe.
Sony hear me out: Same release date as Japan and U.S. for Europe and right price (295.4€ as now). Or you just lose a sale.
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