@Blackzero123 "Also I thought Nintendo was smart you don't release a new system with the lowest amount of space when your competiton has hundreds amount of space available." - What??!?!
Games has always teached english to kids in Finland for example. Our games aren't localized in finnish like they have in central Europe like Germany, France and Spain. There are few exceptions of course. Games like The Sims have been localized, but I still prefer to play them in english. I'm so used to it that games are in english, it's very weird if they are my native language. Much easier to spot things like "new game, load, save" than "uusi peli, lataa, tallenna". You really can see game's influence generation's ability to understand english, my parents don't speak english, not a word. But they haven't never played video games.
And if they can utilize video games more of educating children that's cool. And it's proved that action games improve your reaction times and decision making skills. It's annoying people always talking about negative things of video games and totally forget the positives. I have been shooting people in video games my whole life and haven't kill anybody, not even attacked anybody. Violent people are violent without video games.
@leeko_link @Lamesy Yes but all those Wiis that has been sold aren't bought by the gamers, but people who don't play regularly. Wii doesn't cater anything to "real gamer". I'd hate to say "real gamer", but didn't come with better word.
@franzito Why peope are expecting support for old on the new consoles. Like you can play snes on gamecube or something. If you want to play your old games, play them with your old hardware.
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