I have i7-4770k cpu and gtx660ti 2GB gpu and I think I'll be fine until I get new graphics card in some time this fall. I would get one now, but I just refuse to get new one before I have had this one at least two years.
Just disable some MSAA and maybe HBAO and it will still look better than console versions and run better. Cpu has surprisingly big impact in gaming performance which I noticed last summer when my old mobo fried/died whatever and I replaced my old i5 750 with this i7-4770k. Same memory, same gpu, same ssd and hd drives, unbelievable amount more performance.
@Dannystaples14 "Watch Dogs is my problem with PC right now. PC HAS the potential to give awesome looking games but you just need too much power to run them."
Blame MS and their stupid DX.
I feel the same way tho, maybe I was expecting way more of these new consoles, but it seems they really can't put that good graphics after all with decent frame rates. Kind of should have upgraded my graphics card instead of buying PS4.
There's so many games on my plate atm, so shorter experiences are just welcome. Replaying levels and games also can be fun if level design is good enough. So many games, so little time in my hands. This leads now days to fact I choose shorter experiences over the very lengthy ones like most rpgs. I just wish PS4 version cost same as PS3 version. 10€ more just, because it's on newer console. That's bullshit!
@bahamut_au Yeah right.. Why to do that when it's going to sell like hell anyway and for me this is right now when this game gets actually good and enjoyable.
I don't get it. Why complain more and more, when they actually fixed the biggest problem in the game? Got rid of the Auction House.
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