getsetgo on day one the 360 was a big disappointment as well with the crappy games at launch and the defects. What was the must-have launch game for the 360? perfect dark zero? that was a joke. atleast the ps3 has a must-have launch game and you know what it is. ill give you your props that the 360 has a better online and slightly better graphics right now. besides your comparing a year and a half console to a half a year console. the developers have figured out the specs for the 360 while for the ps3 its still being worked on.
getsetgo I intend to enjoy my ps3 because i think is the best of the two. i also think that 360 is crap because..well actually it does crap out on you.
@reeco411 paullondon and getsetgo are you animal activist now too? MS activist also( how much are they paying you for this nonsense). since when was killing something to eat it (as was said in your post) a cruel thing. thats funny we seem to eat a lot of meat and poultry, how do you think they got to your table. when is the last time you been in the states you have alot of info for europe but guess what we dont live in europe we live in America and things are different over here. getsetgo FYI it is still up in the air about the downloadable content and microsoft is already killing you with its microtransactions( dont be a hypocrite ). and as far as online service Sony has never said we will get charged for anything yet. stop speculating it only makes you look stupid. you like your Xbox great enjoy it and stop trying to make everyone think like you. you dont even have a PS3 never played it probably but have so much to say about nothing. your opinions get on my nerves. i wouldnt say anything about the Xbox if i nevefr touched but i did and it is not all that ( needs some work still). at least my opinions have some grounding. your post are empty and paullondon is riding right along side you. amen brotha. they need to justify for they faulty hardware and i also think its cruel to buy an expensive console from M$ only to have it crap out on you.
everyone dont listen to getsetgo hes just trying to make himself feel better because he made the wrong console purchase and needs to justify his purchase. hes the poster boy for xbot 360 fanboys. just stick to your guns ps3 owners.
getsetgo you mean there are other games for 360 other than Oh can you also keep me posted when you get the red ring of death...thx btw could you also pick up MGS4 heavenly sword lair FFXIII and some of the other great exclusives were gettin. also pick up god of war 2 thats a great game but you may have to buy a playstation to enjoy it. would you agree that its sad that MS cant fix the technical issues in the 360s and the elite? holler back
bear1961 the elite is nothing new just more hard drive space and a hdmi. there is nothing to be happy about there. also microsoft stole sony's idea of the internet because ps2 came out with it first and microsoft stole their idea 2 yrs later and added some things i agree MS likes to copy sony. now they might make a handheld and transfer game data to their handheld just like the psp. @getsetgo you gotta get out of here your very annoying
getsetgo Oh I get it now. bashing the ps3 makes you feel better because your mad about your 360 getting the red ring of death and just waiting for a refurbished one. your cool man
The ps3 should kill the 360 by next year with the amount of quality games coming out. for you 360 fanboys stop whining about the lack of games your crappy 360 didnt have any good games until a YEAR LATER WITH GEARS OF WAR. so give the ps3 the same chance then you can compare. for those who say they dont need blu-ray..its called NEXT GEN PEOPLE!! LAST GEN WAS DVD NEXT GEN IS HIGH DEF. other than price i dont see how the 360 is better. dont say more games.
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