Can anyone tell me if the BFG 8800GTX or ULTRA will fit in a Ultra Aluminus mid-tower? These are my 2 last components I have to buy so I want to make sure that everything fits...
Ok so I'm building a new gaming PC and I'm reading everywhere that the 150gb sata WD Raptor is the HD to get for the best performance. I've also read that if you need more storage space you should install a second HD in slave mode. Here is my question: Since 150gb isn't alot these days(just one game can sometimes take a few gigs of space), do I have to install every game on that hard drive and my Vista on my second one or what??? How does it work exactly? Everything (games and OS) on my main and my slave will be used just for my movies and downloads? Isn't my second hard drive going to slow down my main??? Hope you guys can help me with this...
My 360 went the way of the dodo last night. I can't believe this is happening. It's the second time for me, last time I had to exchange it at EB since I bought the extended warranty from them. Now, 1 month left on the microsoft warranty so I have to send it in and hope for the best. Guess now I'll have more time to grind my lvl 61 Mage in WOW :)
I thought that all games with the "Games for Windows" title were made to take advantage of DX10 Drivers and that it would be a major overhaul for the graphics. I read an article way back before Vista was released that said that I think... Oh well, can't wait for the new games to come out. I guess I'll wait a few weeks more before I get my new pc.
Thanks, I wasen't 100% sure but that's what I thought... But aren't these games suppose to use the new DX10 drivers when they come out or are they just DX9 compatible? I know that Crysis will use the new DX10 but I thought that Company of Heroes will do the same...
If I upgrade my computer right now with Windows Vista, DX10 and a Nvidia 8800 card, will I be able to get the advanced graphics with all the new Games for Windows games like Company of Heroes or Supreme Commander? I've heard that the drivers that will boost the graphics aren't available yet. So basically, can't use the full potential of the hardware yet. Is this true??
I just bought a new WD Passport to backup my ITunes library. I want to copy a 8g file to the passport in order to bring it to a friend's house but I always get an error message saying that I don't have enough space on the drive. The probleme is that it's brand new and I still have about 110g free space. I"m guessing that my windows xp isn't seeing that I have enough space or not recongnizing the available space on the drive... All my drivers are ok and in my hardware profile, everything is working fine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, specially since I'm going to my friend's house tomorrow and would really like to bring the file ;)
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