I moved from MW2 back to CoD4 a while back. Now I've moved to BC2. It's just... superior. I'll be playing this one for years.
snot_boogie's forum posts
its going to be really more of the same.. this isnt a bad thing dont get me wrong i like me starcraft but in an age where the old mechanics have been all but mulched by every other developer under the sun you need to face facts. when your the only one coming to the fair every year with the same act. you need to consider maybe thats why your crowds havent grown in the numbers you want.
Haven't? Are we talking about the same developer? The ONLY developer to have pro-scene competitive RTS games? The developer with the BIGGEST crowds of fans?
And what are you talking about, every year. Starcraft 1 was 12 years ago. Warcraft 3 was 8 years ago.
For a Total War game focused on the Mongols, early period could be Mongol unification and expansion, war on the Tatars, campaigns against various Chinese factions. Middle period = conquest of Khwarezm Empire, the Middle East, expansion into Europe and Southern China, war in Russia. Late period = the 4 Khanates and their descendants, war in West Asia.
There is such richness in this period of history. Many factions.
Duuuuuuude. I would cream my pants.
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