plus the wii dosent even use nothing that is next gen and no the remote has been around since 1998 everything else bing use in the wii is last gen if u could think of something msg me or live the info in the forum
the wii is not next gen its a gamecube with a tv remote how u ask well it uses everything like the gamecube but with like 10 to 20 percent better graphics and horsepower thats it no highdefinition tv support no raw power like the 360 or ps3 and before any one gets on my case if im hating on the wii no i got on just for rayman but im gona sell it i see no fun in it so in my opinen it is not nextgen just a remake of a gamecube plus once u go HD u dont want to go back thats y i dont play the wii the graphics are terrible
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