viva me! the TCEmperorInghey i remember you!!!!!!!! i liked the pics
sodafountan's forum posts
mario galaxy
metroid prime
super smash bros brawl
no more heros
wario ware
fire emblem
trauma center 1&2
RE umbrella cronicles
legend of zelda TP (wich isnt a port because it realised first on wii)
super paper mario
now i dont know if all of them are MUST HAVES but there all certainly worth playing and much better than anything ps3 has
BTW i owned your post
[QUOTE="jedigemini"]Lair? Warhawk? Heavenly Sword? the PS3 price drop?
Even I started to believe a little bit of the hype, but as it turns out, the PS3 still cant even pass the 360 in monthly NA sales (which doesnt bode well when considering Halo 3 is coming out in Sept, and the the 360 is getting a price drop of its own) but worst of all, PS3's exclusives are flopping left right and center. What's more, the Wii is absolutley freakin crushing everything in sight.
The 360 and the Wii are getting big games this Christmas that are gauranteed to deliver huge sales (Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Galaxy, Brawl, MP3) and big scores. I don't think it's wise to put the same faith in Sony's offerings at this point.
Just like Sony though.... overhyping and under-delivering....
as usual.
Call me strange, but those games you mentioned didn't excite me in the slightest. Maybe because I dont like shooters much and I lost faith in Ninkiddy back in the N64 disaster. Sorry Fanboyee!
so then, watcha gonna be playin on your ps3..... hey call me strange but i dont buy 600 dollar door stopsUpdate your firmware. The channel is free there is no transaction. meimnobodyi did update it, its fully updated
is the metroid prime 3 channel worth downloading? cause everytime i try to download it it says transaction error
help plz
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