sodafountan's forum posts
wow amagine how good the sales would be if we had that many AAA's :lol: thatll make fanboys shiver.....
besides most of those games are 3rd party...... i shot your thread down
resident evil 0 through 4...... they have all could one company there home....nintendo.... i was ectstatic when i heard that umbrella cronicles was coming to wii. But capcom wait were missing a biggie here, RE5!!!! does everyone realise this is the first time that a core resident evil isnt on a nintendo console...... i love this series and i really hope that they do what they did with resident evil 4 (bring it to another console a year later) please capcom PLEEEAASE!!!
ahh what ever sony is still pathetic:P
yup all on the should start at the beginning with RE1 and work your way from there, i think the cube has all the versions so far :
RE 0
RE 1 Remake
RE 2
RE 3
RE Code Veronica
Actually im not sure if there all on gamecube, but you should play em all, there awesome, RE is my favorite franchise
Can you clairfy for me? Do you mean flash movies?l8bitzjust any type of (real) movies i can watch on the wii
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