Went to re-read the No More Heores review and look what I saw. I would have been really upset if I didn't see the 9.0 score yesterday, and just saw this today! Is anyone else seeing this?
No one ever takes responsibity for themselves anymore. It's always "everyone elses fault." Which is why if this happened in America Blizzard would be getting sued like crazy! People think suing is the answer to all their problems, even if it is their own fault.
I could care less about the online, this kind of game is all about getting a bunch of friends together with some beer and pizza and start kicking a$$ 8)SuperMario_46
Innovative? Instead of pressing a certain button, you twist, turn, move up and down the Wiimote. Its a gimmick. and it doesnt steal ideas because its FEATURELESS! Wheres the HD? Surround sound? custom soundtracks? DVD player? Online service?krp008
Yeah, because you buy a VIDEO GAME CONSOLE to watch movies and play music.
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