It's a good step. If some folk buying face paint and weapons skins mean free DLC/updates for everyone else, that's fine.
Of course they will want post-sale revenue and if they make a good game, and that optional revenue doesn't have to come from me but others are happy to pay, I'm happy with that.
I'm not really interested in PvP so the 4-person co-op and campaign will be sufficient to enjoy.
@Arguyle: It's good to see editorial variety. Yet GameSpot has a trend to rate games less positively than most other sites. I'm not picking out a particular review or reviewer, just a general pattern of being less happy. Perhaps they appeal to a more cynical audience, it's hard to say. There's nothing wrong with highlighting pros and cons, I just find them out of step a lot of the time.
That there would be a 'beta' had already been confirmed by Jonathan Warner back in September: This game has been slated for Financial Year 18/19 (ending in March) for some time, so a March launch was highly expected after it had been pushed back from a Fall release. Mark Darrah shared his Anthem involvement back in January, so not exactly 'recent' news but there it is. The key to this story remains 'how' Anthem will combine compelling story and looting/shooting that will satisfy both the 'solo only single player' crowd, the Destiny-players and everyone in-between. Hopefully EA Play in a month's time will shed a great deal of light on that. :-)
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