[QUOTE="soiguessialive"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="HoldThePhone"] Again we see the the blatant inconsistancy of Gamespot.
Oh hey there gears of war, we think your 0.4 away from perfection, regardless of all your bugs, your non-existant story, and severely lacking online multiplayer!
Ew darksector, crappy story. 7.5.
At least put something else in the bad section.
Haha, that's how I feel.
Dark Sector is amazing thus far. I'm absolutely loving the crap out of it. I find it funny that these "professional reviewer's" bashed Dark Sector and gave Gears of War a free pass. When they reviewed Gears of War, they didn't talk about how awful and convoluted the story was. They didn't talk about the one dimensional characters. They didn't talk about the little bugs that plagued the single player and multiplayer. Yet they bash Dark Sector for everything that was wrong in Gears of War. Now don't get me wrong, I loved Gears of War, much like I am loving Dark Sector so far, but they seemed to be too easy on Gears of War. I guess hype and a fat check made them oversee the flaws...
Standars change!
maybe if gears had comment out today it would have had its score lowered! Does the score make the game any less fun for you?
Which is why Perfect Dark Zero got 9.0 when it came out a year after HalfLife 2, which only got a 9.2.
I'll say it again -- Gamespot is a Joke
I'll say this again, if you don't like gamespot don't post on its forums or got to it. Because you see by loading the page you add hits, making companies see that gamespot has alot of viewers making the buy add space
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