[QUOTE="MGS9150"][QUOTE="JAMES_L_BROOKS"][QUOTE="tango90101"] doubt it.
with the poor userbase of the ps3, it wouldn't make sense for them to spend the money to make it happen...
it's weird that cows are getting excited over 360 scraps....
Bioshock is a scrap?? LOL funnnnyyyyyyyy then why does every lem, hype it so much huh???
Its funny, werent lemmings the ones who were drooling over the idea of MGS 4 going to 360 for months.
Don't mind hd28guy_basic. He's probably still upset over the huge scandal MS is having with their faulty 360s, after claiming it would be Sony's PS3 being the most unreliable next gen hardware before this gen began.
Not to mention him being wrong on almost all of his next gen predictions.
Hey hd, how's the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD war going?? :lol:
THIS is about games not movies
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