[QUOTE="mazdaspeed-rx8"]lmao Ace Combat , that thing is going to flop no wonder sony didnt want that. as for beautiful katamri yep they lost that one, but gained a New ip from the creator of Beautiful katamari.i think the only thing that hurts sony out of that list is DMC4, but im glad that ps3 gamers get to have a lost exclusive from MS which was kane and lynch . which looks very promising. mazdaspeed-rx8
kayne and lynch is a multplat game and what makes you think ace combat is going to flop, cause its not on the ps3?
for starters i have the demo on my 360, the ground omg the ground and buildings look umm like how can i put this umm poo. and as for Kane and lynch, it was 360/pc game until feburary when they announced it was coming to the ps3. so yes it was console exclusive to the 360 for a while.
One I am pretty sure you don't have a 360 since all you do is bash and yeah Ace Comba is gonna flop like a magicarp, thats why no one hypes it. Rather Play me some Warhwk instead
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