Spiderman 3 was good,not great but good.Hulk sucked once and it will suck again.Ironman should be a good movie,Robert Downy Junior is a good actor.teh_destroyerterrsnce howard should play hi
[QUOTE="gamerelite8"]I don't know why you hope he is right, but I honestly don't get why an "omega point" proves him right.The_IshSWEET MONKEY JESUS YOUR FIRST POST! :oCongratulations! :DÂ teh bandodger rit theeere oh and do i get a welcome?
[QUOTE="asdasd"] Who to believe, Peter Moore, or the guy who is in charge of F@H? http://www.joystiq.com/2007/05/05/ps3-beats-xbox-360-in-console-folding-war/ The_Game21xOuch. This thread was over before it began.f@h is still nothing to bring up in sW IT has nothing 2 w/t games
[QUOTE="Silent_Bob32"]  Yes, it is uncanny. StarFoxCOM That pic on the bottom is not from the PS3 verison it's not even a PS2 game.sarcasm/sigh
see sig.he is also quoted as saying "metriod is a robot. WTF is samus?"thug pikachu said: "who or what are the zerg"Â laughingman42his banned noW like all the greats they should return
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