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sokuni Blog


It sure took some time.

You know, I have finally moved and settled down to my own apartment in the northern part of Finland. So, I guess I can now pay some attention to GS as well.

It's a good thing I've gone through my army already, it's much easier to move out after that.

I have little to say right now, so see ya!

For some, this may seem ridiculous...

...but for me, it doesn't!

You see, I hit the summer sales again and found many good 'n nice games that I used to play in the past but I never owned my own copy of the game. So that's why I bought these PC games:

Battle For Middle-Earth
Call Of Duty 2
Empires: Dawn Of The Modern World
Unreal Tournament 2004

Call Of Duty 2 Empires - Dawn Of The Modern World

I didn't pay a dinch for these games, so I consider myself lucky.

I really need to start to control my game-buying again, only for that reason that I'm not spending all the studying wares I've saved so hard.


Have some more!


Yeah, well to be exact, I just received a fluffy letter from someone. The letter contained a new game for Playstation 2™ -console. Want to know what it is?

That doesn't matter, since I'm going to tell you no matter what. The game is called Shadow Hearts: Covenant. It's a RPG-game that seems pretty sinister, yet quite beautiful. I find it very interesting, though I can't pay too much attention to it right now since I'm playing Skies Of Arcadia Legends at the same time. Too bad. This game will have to wait.

Shadow Hearts: Covenant for PS2™

Well, I still have some games that haven't arrived, so I'll inform you more in the very near future, until that...


Ahem, ladies and gentlemen!

Please read beneath, since I've acquired...

...something quite rare for my GameCube. The game I am talking about is Skies Of Arcadia Legends. I had to pay a high price of it, but at least it's completely new.

Skies Of Arcadia Legends for GC

I sure had hard time finding the game. I'm glad I did find it, and buy it. It's an entertaining RPG, reminds me of the good old RPG's of the past in a good way. I like it.

I'm getting more new stuff during this week so check this blog out every now and then.

Let us go forth!

A new level?


What a fast level that was. I'm referring to lvl 18, which went through in two days. Neat. Let's see how this lvl 19 does go. The name of this level is pretty good: Gitaroo Man. o/

Neverteheless, I started playing Battlefield 1942 once again. I like the game, although it's a bit tacky in today's measures.

Well, two night shifts left again. Also, I ordered a few games which I will report next week.

Until then, stay tuned pals!

Games! Amore!

Oh yeah!

Okay, I acquired some new titles for my collection. First of all, I got King Kong, the Official Game of the Movie for GameCube, which seems to be quite an interesting game. I'm going to play it more as soon as I get the time.

Peter Jackson's King Kong The Official Game of The Movie

Then, I bought something interactive. Guitar Hero and the controller! Very fun and addictive indeed, too bad it costs a bit too much. The game has many good songs which I've played so much that my left hand is starting to get sore.

Guitar Hero -kit for PS2™

As a guitarist, I can only comment that that playing Guitar Hero, reminds a bit playing a real guitar, but only a bit! As for me, I find it easier to play a real guitar, but I take this game as a game, not a simulator.

Oh yeah, and playing the game on Expert -level, is pretty much something like playing Tetris on level 50+. It asks only for absolute finger memory, nothing else.

I guess I'm getting something to eat now.




Meh. I leveled up, I'd see. It sure took a long time for me, even though they say that level 17 is a quick one. Well, not for me. Now I'm a "Flicky", which reminds me of a pet whale or something corresponding. Tsk.

I feel a bit down, don't know why. Maybe it's because all of the moving stuff, since I'm moving to my own flat within weeks and I'm starting my first year in the polytechnic. I have a pressure that if I'm good enough for the school. I really hope so.

I'm getting some gaming mail today, at least I hope so. It's all about the post office now.

Sees ya.

Waz happenin' lately?


Well, I'm not sure if anyone has worried me, but the reason for my late absence has been cause by my work. I enlisted for a heap load of overtime work (bling bling), so I've been sufferin' from lack of time. Today I'm taking part in my friend's wedding, so this day has been reserved for that.

I tried out the online feature of PS2, and it worked well through-out my router. Good thing it was so easily installed, I'll try out Hardware Arena out as soon as I'm able.

Victorious Boxers for PS2™

I also got Victorious Boxers for PS2 for 6e. It's pretty much an arcade boxing game, which is quite hard to master. Didn't like too much of it, since I've already played a game like Fight Night Round 2.

I'm off for shower.

Stay tough.

Welcome home PS2!

As some can predict...

I've bought myself some motivation for the vast amount of overtime work of next week. So, as a result, I bought Playstation 2 Slim with a few games. The games are Gran Turismo 4 and Need For Speed Underground 2, although I'm going to sell NFSU2, since I already have it on other machine. Nice.

I also filled my info at Sony's so that I get the networking stuff. It's a nice thing that PS2 features a mainly free online play. Now I need to buy a good RPG for my PS2, which supports online playing.

What else? Well, I bought two new games separately too. God Of War and Soul Calibur 3. God Of War is an overall good game, although I hate the way how Sony copies things from other brands. Soul Calibur 3 features even better graphics than the previous one, but I find the gameplay a bit more tacky. Don't know why.

What else? Well, I still have ordered one big thing which I'm going to announce as soon as I get my own.


I don't believe it.

That's the way it goes.

To explain the topic, once again, I'm talking about Diablo 2 and its expansion, Lord Of Destruction. I started playing it the other day, as I found the discs from my shelf.

I just don't get how it still has its magic. Slashing countless monsters, collecting items and money....simple stuff but somehow getting yourself better and better equipment just fascinates the player. Blizzard has always known how to appeal the player.

After a long time of buying nothing, I'm getting some stuff within days. I'll inform about you guys soon enough. :)

Off I go!