Its first party’s lead is former head of both Ubisoft and EA. One is known for releasing extremely buggy, unfinished and downgraded games. And the other, well, as if their tendency to provide the players with “a sense of pride and acomplishment” wasn’t infamous enough.
Ha, ever since this game was announced, every article about it has the Monster Hunter name tagged in. For such a game with no identity of it own, what kind of “bright” future can one expect from it. Let alone the fact that it’s sticking with the atrocious chinese spyware launcher. Count me out of it. I’m gonna wait for Iceborne.
@jaykobwerdnahs: only in the West, when everyone is smoking weeds. One way or another. But in Japan, it's something that's frowned upon in public's eyes. And having one of your staffs connected to it would taint the image of the whole company.
That’s nothing new. In the remastered version of Yakuza 4, they had to replace the image and voice actor of Tanimura over similar charge. But with a scandal like this, there’s a high possibility that this game wouldn’t see the light of day in the West.
Every Yakuza game from 0 to 6 tells a unique and self-contained story. The story of this game has been stretched over 3 iterations, yet there is no sign that it’s gonna end with this 3rd one. As for the combat? Nah, I’ll pass. Look stiff as hell.
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