Condemned 2: When you close the medicine cabinet and in the reflection you see your face and this pink guy trying to attack you. I'm was scared ****less.
Also when I was about 5 or 6... I don't know. I was playing Super Mario 64 (Yes Super Mario 64) and I was passing this corridor and then Boo randomly appears out of nowhere. I was like "OMGOMGOMG" and then I shut the game off and didn't play it for 3 weeks because of that.
1: MGS3 (I played through the story so much, and didn't get bored.) 2: Banjo Kazooie (Seriously, I rented it as a child and loved it, but didn't beat it. Then when I was 14 I decided to finish what I started by buying it.) 3: Persona 4 (Seriously, it's a must-have for any RPG fan) 4:Resistance 2 (Online keeps me playing) 5:Dragonball Z Budokai 3 (It's a good game to play with friends)
Best: I'm going with (MGS4) Worst: I had (key word (HAD)) Assassin's Creed, but the bad seed that is ruining my awesome games colleciton is Condemned 2
Easiest: LBP I mean... I wanted to have fun in the Community stages and then BAM I've got another trophy just for the massive amounts of those point things on the floor. Hardest: Resistance 2 Platinum is.... whoa
*When you have to say "Brother" you say it like Liquid and say "BROTHA!"
*When you act all constipated thinking you can try something again.
*When you're on the top of a skyscraper, or apartment and jump, hoping that when you're about to reach the floor you get hit by a corner or an edge to survive. (GTA IV)
*You find a dead person, and imagine you're pressing the triangle button to revive them.
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