Whenever i go to all games and choose a specific platform it will take me to top games. If its an old platform it will take me to the main one with all top games and if its a recent platform it takes me to that platforms top games.
solidsnakeo's forum posts
Its because when e3 2005 and 2006 we as gamers got &%#$ed in the @ss by sony a large portion of the lemmings and sheep are ex cows along witha lot of the manticores thats why they all hate sony go look at old E3 footage and you'll understand. Personnally i was one of the biggest cow on here, and then after watching the E3 2006 press conference i remember trying to justify 500 dollars for a video game system right after watching that. Then i went and pulled my NES back out and proceeded in buying a N64 and now i am a manticore.
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