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somedude410 Blog

Water Bottle Fight :D

There was a big watter bottle fight at school yesterday :D Water bottles were flying everywhere Unfortunately it happened at 2nd lunch so I missed it :evil:  I'm not entirely sure on what caused it though.  There were also three fights the day before so they might be related somehow.  The school did kind of go a bit too far by bringing in three cop cars and a helicopter going around the school :?

Winter Break

Winter Break is finally here!!!  I have two weeks off, more time for gamespot, and not much homework but I'm still kind of mad that there is some.  Now, my reign of terror will begin, MUHAHAHAHAHA :twisted:

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!:D (except to my enemies, those guys suck)

I'll Be Here All Week

I have next week off, Yay!  I'll probably have more time to be online but not much.  My sister will be here too and she uses the computer a lot and I will probably use the time to be playing video games :D

First Week Done

The first week of school is over, now I have to enjoy the weekend. The classe I have aren't that bad. Unfortunately none of my friends are in any of my classes and I can only be with some during lunch because there are two seperate ones. I'm not sure if any of the classes are hard because we haven't done much work yet, The only class that seems hard is Language Arts Honors. Damn teacher from last year put me in honors. I suck at writing:(, we have already finished an essay in the first week :evil:. Oh well, only the rest of the year left.

2000 posts and Level 11

I have now reached 2000 post and half way through level 11. I'm making pretty good progress especially considering I've been on gamespot for nearly three months. :D

LttP or Minish Cap

Its been like about a year since the last time I got a gameboy game so I decided to get a Zelda one because I haven't played one in 2D. I'm not sure if I should get Link to the Past or Minish Cap. What do you guys think I should get.

Seems like everyone is going back to school

A lot of people are going back to school, I still have another three weeks but its kind of boring with nobody else around. Even people where I live are going back to school. This is all reminding me of the little time I have left
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