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sony-rules Blog

new versions

i realy dont get it sony nintendo and micrsoft keep coming out with new version's of game consoles like ther are know 2 360 visions (elite and regular) 4 ps3 virsions (20 gig 40gig 60gig and 80gig) and 2 wii's (black can play dvd' whait can't) and 3 psp's (star wars edition,silver,and a liter one)

what is with that please comment if you know

call of duty 4

so im not lvl 3 yet so i cant post comments but i have to tack about the new call of duty:lol::shock::)

i just can't frikan wait it is going to chaleng halo3

no dout about it.also i hope it wins becuse from what i have herd

halo 3 has only 10 lvls:evil:so cod4 should win.

cod4 is the game of the year best grafics amazing game play

still first person i mean how can it cet better oh ya

its not ww2 any more:D finally those ww2 games were getting frikan boring

cod4 is going too rock. long live sony,ms and nintendo

well thats it gamers:P

the wii

hey gamers my brother got a wii today(sep 24) and you know me a ps3 fan.

but i have to admit its awesome. but its just the games are more kiddy than

for the playstation 3

graphics: lest just say suck but are still good my ps3 is better.

but ther realy is somthing cool about the wii

it dosent play dvds but yet its still fun its basicly

just a pure gaming console.


so look know everybody arguer 360's better or ps3 is better or even wii but if you realy whant to know the facts cheak out this site for the real info but any way heres my opinion

price:well if you think about it ps3 is the cheaper out of the 360.

well thats if you whant the real stuff

look 500$ for the elite 150 for the hdplayer 90$ for live in the

end it comes out to around 650$ dollers so the ps3 is the better priced but

if you whant realy chaep you get the wii

so the wii wins the price round

grafics: no Quetion about it ps3 wins this round

games: well this is a hard comparison ps3 has

a great line up of games coming but so does wii and 360 but

the 360 and wii uses dvds so they already have ther limations

but in the end they all have great games know and on the way.

look: look wise ps3 sleek black shiny look.360 ugly.wii cute.

so the ps3 and wii win this one.

well gamers thats my opinion in the end this gen of gamig is sweet

remember to chek out that sit long live video games sining off

ps3 vs 360 wars

look basically this sight has turned into a Sony vs 360 sight so know I'm putting in my 2 sens

ps3 has 10 times better graphics you cant compare them no matter what. hello blue-ray 50gig 360 duel layer dvd 8gig now mater what any xbox geek says xbox is the lower every body says 360 has better games no!!!!!!!!!! in November more than 50 games are coming for ps3 naming them would take forever but a fiu are "frontlins fuels of war"gta4"home"lair"etc... i can go on but it would take forever.oh and here a list of 360's defaults

.uses dvd's

.over heats

.has 20 gig hard drive

.regular controller

. bad graphics

look i could go on but whats the point. oh and elite rip off no point 100$ more and how is going to dawn 120gig of stuff any way so look you want to get a good console get a wii or a ps3 or even a ps2 OK sining off.

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