is it me or is Sony skin colors for the PS3 actions exactly like when Nintendo came out with all does colors for the N64?
@fester420 how can you see a ad for the consoles and they aren't even released or commercially released?
@ChiefReaver @emperiox @Shantmaster_K @AyeeeMatt people should really focus on PC games most of the time to get away froms trolls like microbarf.
microsnot and it's idiotic hardware are a scam to just get money. Greedy, lazyboned good-for-nothings.
@candyass @Meta-Gnostic typical microsoft, technical problems and all kinds of security and infringment problems.
@KamuiFei Just like how there treating sonic the hedgehog right now. His last game was the sega all-stars racing game and that wasn't a main game. so basically, there just treating him bad.
sonyfreak456's comments