if it does i think it will come out about a year after it hits the ps3.....exclusive doesnt mean anything i mean didnt assasins creed say it was exclusive and now its on xbox 360....
I cant decide and was wondering what your guys opinion was....i feel that bioshock may give the player too much freedom and you may lose interest by geting lost in the world and blue dragon demo was fun but it feels like it may get repetitive.....
about a quater of the vidoes have been good and the demos have been very dissapointing imo....i waseven dissapointed with the blue dragon demo too(especially the time limit)
is anyone else dissapointed in the downloads on xbox live....so far i only liked the blue dragon demo and the too human trailer and dmc4 trailer..Does anyone think there will be a bioshock trailer?
zzzzzz....oh yea it wasnt very good at all, but i am going to try it again and see if maybe i was just missing something...(the voice acting wasnt bad though)
^ i feel the same way..i think it may have something to do with them giving the player to much freedom of choice(call me old school but i kind of like it when a game pushes you in one direction, but still gives you small choices)
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