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going to houston

i will be going to houston on monday. im going there because my dad has these ploice games he does every year. he going to do flag foot ball again. and we might go places over there. i will be bac on wendsday or thursday. i dont think i will be on much tomorrow so thats why im writing this right now. me and my family will be packing most of the day tomorrow. we gotta leave at 10:00 am on monday and the trip is three hours from where i live. well PLEASE comment.

more bad luck

well two more bad things happened already. well i got this huge cut on my index finger i dont know how it happend but it looked kinda deep. and you could still see blood with the band-aid on. the second that happened is that all the phones in my house are dissconected. my dad said that it was just the cable copmany and they are trying to restore it. well one good thing happend we got our replacement lamp for our t.v so were good to go.will this bad luck thing ever end.:(

my luck just got worse

sorry my day did not get better. it started at this college gym my mom was practicing volleyball with her friends and i just kicked a ball and it hit someone right in the face. and i was like oh crap.:o i said i was sorry then walked away. i think the person had a bloddy nose. then when my mom was done we went to the parking lot and found a ticket on our car and the fine was 100$ and you know what sucks my dad was here too with his own car and guess what he got a ticket too now we have to pay 200$.:evil: it was for parking in the staff spaces. but come on the part where it said staff was hard to read so we couldnt tell what it was. man this sucks. well how was your day :question: if you ask me im mad. could some1 make me fell better before i go beserk. and go outside and cut down my own a matter of fact that sounds like a good idea now where did i put my keyblade?

alright im mad

im mad because the stuff i wrote in the about me part is gone and it happend twice already.:evil: also my "56" t.v lamp is busted now i cant watch the finals on the big screen.:evil: now we have to watch it on a little t.v and thats no fun.:cry: also im mad at this computer im using right now because it sucks it has freakin low memory and i cant do much, well atleast i can be on GS. something will probably make me mad  tomorrow like the cavs winning the first game. speaking about the finals who are you going for. im goin for the spurs because 1. i live in San Antonio 2. i like how they play. i really dont think the cavs are gonna win cuz they never been in the finals and they are going agasnt a team who been in the finals for like 3 times. anyway im bored and going to houston on monday and will be be bac on thursday. and i dont know what to do about the q of the day should i  just do three of them before i leave or should i just do it when i get bac? soooo how you been hope your not mad like me. this is my longest blog ever. you know it might not be long to you but it is to me GOSH stop yelling at me! hehe kidding.^.^ :P:lol:

oh well...

my parents said i couldnt download the ares tupe thing because the memory in our computer is low. ares tube lets you get videos from you tube. if i had that then the video would have been on this blog but its not. heres the video i wanted to show you...  its kingdom hearts with the DX theme song. if you want to know who they are look at the picture in the about me part.