sorry it took awhile
mitu123 asked.....
What other Nintendo games your looking forward to this year?
A: Well Im not really looking foward to any other nintendo game right now.
Shantrix asked...
Why is brawl so limited? A: cuz of all the content thats in that one disk.
Who framed roger rabbit? A: i've never seen the movie.
What is worst, goverment or warios farting? A: goverment lol
Why is the world round? A:.......
I found 7 girls, each one with seven bags, each bag with seven diamonds, how many girls, bags and diamonds were going to silent hill?A: umm... 7 girls 49 bags and 343 diamonds. is that right?
Foolz3h asked...
1. What do you hope the new Zelda will be? A: I hope its like oot.
2. what is the meaning of life? A:IDK
3. where is Carmen San Diago? A:IDK
4. Who killed JFK? A:IDK
StillFreeTagger asked...
1. Who is your favorite video game character of all time? A:well my first game was sonic so its sonic i guess.
2. Which game is your favorite in the Zelda series? A:OoT
3. If you could date any girl from a video game, who would it be? A:ummmm zelda i guess......
manny_rules1105 asked....
would you rather...
hang out with the cast of... guy
2.avatar the last airbender
3.american dad
4.high school music
5.sponge bob
6.the grim adventures of billy and mandy
7. 90210
8.kung fu panda
9.WALL - E
10. rush hour
A:1 family guy
TwilightSoilder asked...
1. Fav game? A:KH2
2. If you could wish for anything what would it be? A: world peace
3. Your most anticipated game of 08? A: SSBB
DesertClawX2X asked...
Why does life suck? A: cuz it does
Why is there an X-Files movies? A:IDK
Who is Candlejack? A: I have no idea
Why can't people understand that ninjas are cooler than pirates? A: cuz they think pirates are cool.
Why am I asking so many questions? A: cuz you want to.
If you could, would you switch places with a person for a day? A: Maybe
wizzardjeff asked..
do you have fire fox 3? A: no
Troop01 asked...
1. y do people ask you dumb ?s, when they know you wont answer them? A: cuz they think im god
2. how did you get so dang good at brawl? A: I've played lots of SSB
3. how would i b able to communicate to you if all the computers and wii's blew up in the world? ummm cell phone.
4. on a scale of 1 to 10. how good do you think i am in brawl? b honest! A: k i give you an 8
5. whats one game that u wish you could remake to b better? A: smackdown vs raw 2008
Ifnot asked...
What's your favorite actor? A: I don't have one
What program did you make that banner on? A: well a friend of mine made it for me. i think he used photoshop.
When can we have a lag free match so I can have a serious brawl with you? A: when ever you can get a better connection. lol
Can you joggle? A: no
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