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soul_motor Blog

Next Time I see Metallica...

It'll be in a foreign country.  I just finished watching this YouTube clip from a concert they did in Germany, and it was wild!  In the States, you can't even bring in a beer or camera, etc.  A couple of minutes into the song, this dude in the crowd lights up a [expletive deleted] road-flare!!  That is pretty damn cool.  The song was good too, it was Orion.  I didn't recognize it at first, coulda just been my ears...

Generally alright weekend

Wow, you guys get an actual blog update. I picked up a couple of cheap games this weekend.  I got Tales of Phantasia for 15 bucks and Mech Assault for $5 at Target.  Tales was for myself, and so far I'm pretty happy with it, it is quite a bit like Symphonia, which I really liked.  Mech Assault is my brother's Christmas gift, so don't tell him how cheap it was:wink:  I saw Pikmin 2 in the Circuit City ad for $10 this morning, so I got that too.  Well, that should be it for spending on games for a little bit.  I have Okami already paid off at work, so I'll just pick it up. (where's the "giddy" emoticon damn it, I want to put it here!)
Well, I'm off to spend some time with the wife, who wants to be referred to as "wifeypoo."  Now she's twisting my nipples, so I'm out.  Hope you guys have a great long weekend.  Sorry for those of you not in the U.S. that don't have a long weekend, enjoy your regular weekend all the same:P

Resevoir dogs video

I saw this on GameSpot here, and it actually looks good.  I might be tempted to play it.  The movie was alright, but the game looks like it might be a little more coherent...

My dirty mind and bad timing.

I just flipped on the television, and before the picture came on all I heard was "he gets penetration every day."  Yeah for the NFL and other professional sports.:lol:

All your Snakes...

I found this funny little video on YouTube and thought I'd share it. I don't plan on seeing the movie, but the video is good nonethelesss. I guess I can throw in an offensive material warning here... Sorry I couldn't just upload it, but I can't figure out how to save the video on my computer. If I do, I'll replace it. Enjoy!

Can't wait

Just a couple more days, and I'm on vacation!  Woohoo!  Now it's not like my job is really that taxing, but it is nice to get a reprieve from waking up early to go in.  With Saturday being the wife's birthday, that'll be good too.  Now if only I could get her out of work a couple more days next week, it would be nice...

I have not huge plans for my little holiday, but hopefully the Art museum is open this week.  The last time I drove by it they were tearing up the facade and parking sucked...  Oh well, at least we'll hit the Natural History Museum and the gardens while we're there.  If you ever make it to Cleveland, I recommend our art museum and the gardens.  They are both free and quite nice.  The history museum is a couple of bucks, but it's nice too.  There's also the Case Western museum, it has some really neat old cars in the basement, though I think I annoy Becci whenever we go ther as I could just about spend a whole day down there looking at the way cars have changed over the last 100 years.  Well, enough of being a travel agent, I need to get to bed so I can go to work.  Yippee!  I'll leave you with this great little image.

I might do what Nelly says...

It's getting hot up in here, or so I'm told...  The heat index was around 110 today, same for tomorrow...  I'll probably not be too active as I'm seeking refuge in air-conditioned places.  Unfortunately the computer is not in one of those areas...  If you try to get a hold of me to no avail, that's why.  Hopefully the "cold front" comes quickly.  BTW, cold is going to bring the temp down to the 80's...  Take it easy until I'm back!

Look what I found!

[video=IHA0kTuo5bsNuzLc]  This video just made me cry it was so funny.  It took two of my favorite things and put them together.  Kudos to whoever put it together!  "Camelot is such a silly place."