I keep trying to put all my ipod songs onto my ps3 but I'M having problems. When I plug it in it downloads some of the SONGS but then the majority won't play because they are unknown or something, is anyone else having similar problems or have any solutions to my problem.
I think it's ridiculous why anyone is even bothered about this game. I mean POKEMON -Â it's made for japanese kids why do you people care, if your a respectable adult you wouldn't buy this, really I think this sums up Nintendo - designed for kids or adult nerds in your case
I was reading my play magazine the other day and it says that it's just one click away from downloading, however I do not know what this means. If anyone else has downloaded linux for their ps3 or someone who know how can you tell me please. Any information regarding the topic will do because I have no idea, I dont even know if I use the playstation store or internet explorer to download it. Also on a different topic does anyone know how to download msn or any other instant messaging service for my ps3, please I NEED HELP
I have a problem to with my headset on motorstorm, it is a madcatz one and sometimes on online it just stops working and I can't hear or say anything, when I try to fix this problem by pressing buttons on my headset my ps3 takes me completely out of motorstorm and into the screen where all the ps3 options are. Also it keeps making my controller stop working, I think it's probably something to do with the bluetooth. Is anyone else having similar problems or know how to fix this problem
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