@the_big_doggg @sparks12935 I'm really not going to worry about it anymore. What the heck can this loser really do? Obviously a lot of people on here know what's what. What to believe. What is right. What is wrong. All this loser is doing is trying to stir things up. It gives him attention. Well, I'm done giving it to him. It's inevitable people are growing up and catching on (can't say the same for him) and eventually, we'll all use COMMON SENSE, LOGIC and LOVE over biased, bigoted, ignorant hate and freaking STUDIES. Come.. on..
@the_big_doggg You really need to stop. You are not convincing anybody. Give it up. People here are smarter than you and obviously much more evolved. Grow up.
@gamingfrendly @DarkSaber2k @TheGovenor I think some of the comments are more disturbing and disgusting. And very biased and immature. People just love to yap and hate.
It's so asinine to see people relate child abuse/pornography to homosexuality. So say there is a case or study where they determine that there are more homosexuals out there than there are heterosexuals who abuse children. It doesn't mean anything. People are people. There are going to be bad homosexuals. There are going to be bad heterosexuals. It's THAT simple. Is everyone willing to ignore that there are heterosexuals out there that have been involved with child abuse/pornography as well? Is it just easier and convenient for them to apply it to homosexuals only? Because they have a personal vendetta to slander one particular group? Just because there are X number of child abusers who happen to be homosexual does not mean anything when it comes to the X number of heterosexuals. And vice versa. If all these homosexuals who are child abusers are exposed, then there are the same amount, if not more, heterosexuals who are child abusers out there as well. It's just lucky for them they have not been found out yet.
@vault-boy Well, I'm so sick and tired of it. It needs to stop now. They are wasting so much time and effort and money and energy... I have played plenty of violent video games and it has never even came across my mind to do what happened in Colorado and Connecticut. I mean, isn't violence a very human nature thing to do? Whether it be small or big? And look at all these violent video games... They did not just think that stuff up... We as human beings did... over many, many, many years. Violent video games are based off THAT. The violence we do then and now are not based off of video games.
sparks12935's comments