1 time when i was playing online my controller wasnt responding and i had to spectate myself not doing anything through the whole game.
Is Halo Wars guna be another of those boring strategy games or a terrific awesome strategy game? how and why?IS Halo 3 guna be worth the long wait? how and why?
i have rechargable battteries and they die about after 2 weeks. and i have 2 to spare. So when i change my batteries 2 are already charging
Ill have to say a 9.7 like the first because they released 2 beta's to get new ideas from the players to make the game better. Nice idea Bungie ;)
ive seen the COD 4 beta and it luks like the other COD games. We will have to wait and see because the beta is kinda only a sneek peek. I wud only buy the game if it got ova a 9 or something.
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