@rebfaction: funny how people are mad at this deal which Is a timed exclusive ...one year it will be on ps4 ...but the street fighter v deal with Sony is ok even tho it will never come to Xbox one but no one is talking about not buying street fighter or boycotting capcom...isn't what Sony did the same thing but worse because it's permanent
@Triton: but you can't play with an elite controller you can't stream or make video clips or screenshots there are def advantages to playing on Xbox one even if they are last gen games
@Tyson8earzz: if you have a 360 game on the list you put the game disk in your Xbox one it downloads the game to your hard drive and you play it like on a 360 for free ...if u have the digital version of the games on the list go to my games and apps on your Xbox one and go to the ready to instal list and download it from there for free you don't have to double pay for anything its all free
@Xristophoros: ps now has been out a lot longer when bc has been out as long as ps now then it will be a fair comparison but the fact that it's free and not streamed already trumps ps now
@anevilwithin: but this gen won't last 10 years I think the only reason Sony caught up is because 7th gen lasted so long that's y i don't think the x1 will catch up due to the length of the gen
@joshrmeyer: I think they mean Xbox has more aaa exclusives u know the ones that actually matter that make u want a console Sony has no aaa exclusives coming out other than uncharted 4 and it isn't even on dedicated servers because they want to save money on maintenance for dedicated servers Lmao what are they doing with the ps plus money and the money from 29 million sold ps4
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