@The-Neon-Seal Why is this site so anti Nintendo?They change the info to make Nintendo seem bad. Why?
@emptycow I loved CTR, I miss it so much. I can't believe someone actually made a comparison vid. Amazing!
@kwandar @samrvdman I don't see a problem, besides this is all western development correct? Nintendo and west don't really get along, that is what I want Nintendo to fix this Gen.
@Stonecutters908 @samrvdman Kind of wrong to call someone stupid. It was just an opinion, not fact. We just have to buy the games we love, and watch what happens to our favorite companies.
@snova9308 @danpando @emperiox @jcnba28 @HWGuy14 WiiU is just a stop gap to me. Nintendo owners only bought the system for the wonderful Nintendo games. I am sure they have another system like a PC or Ps360.
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