Guys, the engine itself is not a direct indicator of the game's qualities and visuals (Unity, UE3,etc). Just saying it out there before someone fights over that their PS4 game will be like U3 or limited by the engine.
@PupilsDilated Why were they horrible? Simply because they took out blood in Sigma 2? I personally enjoyed Sigma 1 most just because it had more content for me over the Xbox version. That sounds really biased man.
I really like Dead Island's concept and ideas but their so poorly executed. It feels like grinding for a boss forever that you are never gonna meet even though the Island is a good place to explore, there is nothing compelling you to go to deep under it or go out of your way of missions.
Iam vouching that in multi-platforms, games will be identical visually but the PS4 will still perform better due to its more capability. This is because the developers won't want to alienate their fan base would they?
Exclusives will be an entirely new story though and this will the be deciding factor for many.
speedy5212's comments