Oh yeah.
Speeny's forum posts
Shaving hack I was made aware of (I'm probably the only one who didn't know). Use hair conditioner instead of shaving cream. It's even smoother and your skin will be more moisturized than even the good shaving creams/gels.
Yeah, I've heard of this myself and have tried it. Works out pretty well! Another perk is that you can actually see what you're cutting, seeing as most conditioners are clear. I got the tip from a guy off of YouTube named Greg Boswell.
- A good cup of coffee
- Friends & family
- Homecooked meals
- Hydration/drinking clean fluids
- Music
- Quality sleep
- Being amongst nature
- Pets greeting you in the morning or as you arrive home
- Wearing an Oodie in the winter
As for my final thought, this next one is relatable but partially crude. I have to list it, I'm sorry in advance:
- Emptying your bowels, wet shaving your face and then having a shower.
I shave before I shower because I find that hot water and steam seals up any nicks that may have occurred in the process. I also don't get skin irritation this way. I haven't shaved in a while though. I've worn a beard for roughly 4 months now and am loving it. Products help a ton in keeping it look decent with minimal trimming.
I don't know just yet. Lol.
Pokémon Scarlet.
I'd say fabric. Leather seemingly has a smell to it that I don't particularly like. Or maybe that's just car seats.
I liked Starfox Adventures a lot. But to be fair, I don't like classic Starfox, so that might not be weird. The cause of hate was because it wasn't classic Starfox, but as I don't enjoy that, I was glad to be playing a fun, pretty and generally cosy action adventure game.
Even though I haven't played the original Star Fox myself, Star Fox Adventures is a game that I have fond memories of too. I didn't get all that far into it because I was young, but roaming around Dinosaur Planet and annoying the shopkeeper there was seriously amusing.
A good thing. I think it'd even just be so relieving to know that it's there when you need it.
I am fond of the Christopher Nolan trilogy, but Tim Burton's: Batman Returns is the film I favour the most.
When I do shave, I use shaving cream once, shave with the grain and then go over a second time against the grain with whatever lubricant is leftover. I'll also just run my hands over my face to check how smooth it is.
Another thing to mention is that I do the opposite of the conventional "shower and then shave." I find that showering after shaving seals up any nicks that generally happens during the process and I don't get agitated skin.
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