you can get quests from npcs that have a "!" a add-on like Carbonite is very useful and it basically tell you exactly where to go to finish you quest and then where to turn it in. You can level by doing these quest and getting xp or going to a spot and grind by killing monster after monster.
wowwiki has tons of information.
Gives you an idea on how to spread the points for your build. Oh and dont forget professions: Herbalism and mining are pure profit, most dont recomend to have these two because you can only have one active to show in the mini map. So you might want to go with Mining and skinning or Herbalism and skinning. One more tip: Learn how to use the auction house , and learn what sells and doesnt . Lastly joing a guild they will help you out if you're lost and it will make the game that much more enjoyable.
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