Now first off I think the Wii is the best console for platformers.
Ratchet and Clank scored 7.5 so will Banjo: Nut and Bolts score higher then that? If so it would be another area where 360 is better then PS3 the platformer area. Even though 360 has Kameo that scored 8.7
Just look at the scores of some of the other games that can not be played on the other console. This is 360vs PS3. Only put games that have scores. This is how the other areas of gaming stack up-
Shooter- Halo 3 (9.5) Gears 1 (9.6) > RFoM (8.6) Haze (6.0) (360 wins)
Racers- Forza 2 (9.2) PGR4 (8.5) > Motorstorm (7.9) GT5P (7.5) (360 wins)
RTS- CnC3: Tib wars (8.7)> PS3 does not have any (360 wins)
JRPG-Lost ODyssey (7.5) > ps3 does not have any that the 360 does not have already (360 wins)
WRPG-Mass Effect (8.5)> ps3 does not have any that the 360 does not have (360 wins)
Fighting- DOA 4 (8.8 ) > Tekken 5 (8.3) (360 wins)
Stealth-360 does not have any that the ps3 does not already have that I could think of < MGS4 (10.0)
(PS3 wins)
So if Banjo scores higher then there will be no doubt at all the 360 has the better platformer games over the PS3. So do you think Banjo will score higher then Ratchet?
Edit-Forgot about LBP to late to add to the poll.So if you think LBP will be the best just post that you think it will score better.
What you just did is select single games that score better than the other and saying the system wins that genre because of one game thats better than another game.
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