@Travis_Odell Dayz is a rip off of arma2. it started off as a 4mb file (just put zombie skins on the AI and made arma2 items available as loot inside buildings) They did nothing. At least these guys made this game from the ground up. Dean hall doesnt even have a gaming company to make games just him and like two other guys. You going to tell me dean hall invented zombies now?
@QTEseven @nait2k4 u cant rip off something as general as zombie survival. Its a genre. Yeah it was disrespectful to name it so close to warz. But everything they did was within the legal statue of law. Dean hall didnt even buy the rights to the name "dayz" until just like 3 months ago. They could have named the warz "DAYZ" and it still would have been perfectly legal. Dean hall has nobody to blame but himself for dragging his feet with dayz. dayz was supposed to come out in december of last year and dean hall says in recently interviews "i am so sick of zombies" Dayz started out a 4mb file and after years its only 100mb.. so dayz is just a rip off of arma2. Dayz isnt so original and unique either. Dauz sucess was made off somebody elses work. Plus look at all the other games that copy eachother like how like crysis3 uses killstreak rewards, perks, and weapon attatchments now (hmm where they get that from) and look at all the open world games that popped up after GTA3. (saints row, sleeping dogs, gangstar, mafia)
@DramaCida @spindie This is how you can tell if they have never played the game^ not one person who has actually tried it for themselves in its current state has said that. You should see how many people are playing it. Its a hit
@LT-murphy @lonesamurai1 Yeah you can tell if a game is a console point in a matter of seconds after loading it up.. Remember dark souls? Ew they didnt even allow you to change the resolution it was just 1024x768 (the resolution settings was simply to stretch it to fit your screen)
infestation (the warz) in its current state really isnt a bad game, Just because the boss of the war-z company (sergey titov) is a slime-ball who makes downright RETARDED decisions doesn't mean that his hundreds of developers (who actually made the game) are also scumbags. Even the developers who made the game talk bad about how unfortunate it is having to work for a "mentally challenged" boss. For example sergey titov (the boss) blindsided the development branch with a split second decision that he just so wanted to release the game early to get the jump on dayz standalone.. When he made this LAST second decision they were only about 30% of the way into the project.. And being the stubborn personality that he is, he didnt even have the courtesy to write "work in progress" when he released it.. But 9 months later you can't even tell this is the same game, if it was bad i would say so but its actually a lot of fun. You should look at the pictures of the california map they uploaded in the dev diary, it is 40x larger than colorado and has drivable vehicles
spindie's comments