Thank goodness it is Friday. I had a very busy day. Tonight I have to babysit my sisters while my parents go to a party. Hopefully my little sister will be sleeping by 9 so I can watch TV in my room
Spanish: It was so boring because we learned just about verbs in spanish. The people I sit with are so funny. One girl I sit with told me that she saw someone get hit by a mini van and the person got up and said I just got hit with a mini van. I was cracking up laughing.
English: I took a vocab test today and hopefully I did great at it. I am going to take a reading test on Monday. Hope I do good on that.
Gym: I had a badmitten game today. I think my partner hates me because I suck at badmitten. But I did not really care what he thought.
Science: I had to do math testing on the computer today. I think I failed becauseI suck at math and I have it next marking period
So how have you guys been? Have a great Weekend
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