@MATERAZZI_23: The PS4 version will be 100% playable on the PS5. Any game releasing now much be certified to run on both consoles before getting released. It's better to buy it for the PS4. Now you get 2 ports for the price of one.
@notafan: Are you familiar with PSN exclusives such as flOw, Flower, Journey, Sound Shapes, Soldner X2, Dead Nation, Resogun, Ex Machina, Fat Princess... Oh wait... Were you talking about ALL PlayStation exclusives?... Haha OK.
Sadly, this game is a complete mess. Sony fix your stuff! Think the PSP port, but only much worse and you have the PS4 version. I still often wonder if they ever play test some of these games.
Anyone who thinks the the Remastered PS4 game is "fine" has clearly not made it up to the 4th stage yet!
@Sw1tched: That's really awesome. Seth should give you a damn writing credit as well since that's a rather long clip they used.... Not to mention the funniest part of the episode. :)
This newest update has pretty much rendered it unplayable on the Kindle Fire HD..It's gone from kind of slow to extremely slow until the point where it freezes very quickly.
@darran05: It's most likely a PS4 + PSVR breakout box installed internally.
This would save on having to connect so many wires between the two.
"News" sites like this have been mixing up the few real details of this since the Wall Street Journal's post on "unnamed sources" over a month ago. If it were real or official they would have a named source. And the "multiple sources" is just them passing it around.
spoonmanx's comments