It's all pretty silly really. How many people right now actually care about gaming in 4K? 5% maybe?
I own a 4K display and really don't even care about it. It's kind of like going from 720p to 1080p, it's only noticeable if you have a 70" display or are sitting a foot away.
It's wasted CPU cycles if you ask me. I'd much rather see bigger environments, better A.I., etc..
If this rumor is true, and it's still very much a rumor until they get official named sources, I think it's a bad move by Sony. It's causing them bad publicity with very little return for it.
Also, fun fact, there were two native 4K PS3 games. That is, they were rendered at 4K, but then downsampled to 1920x1080 in order for the PS3 to output them properly. Those games; Another World 25th Anniversary, and Okami HD. Another World on the PS4 is also a 4K natively rendered game. If Sony were to upgrade their HDMI spec to 2.0 it would allow this to display it it's native 4K resolution, making it the first 4K PS4 game. 4K is already possible on the PS4, for graphically scaled back games.
@angrycreep: This is still a rumor. These "news" sites just keep passing them around and claim each other as "sources". It all started with the Wall Street Journel no less.
I still believe the "PS4.5", "PS4K", "PS4 NEO" is just a PS4 with the PSVR breakout box installed internally and bundled with the PSVR hardware (to be released October 2016).
But THAT, of course, is not official, no more than any of these reports and rumors anyway.
It's a nice collection for the price, but I would have paid a bit more to get the "complete Mega Man Collection". It should have been 1-10 + the 2 arcade titles as bonuses.
Even the earlier PS2/GameCube Mega Man Collection includes Mega Man 1-8 + the 2 arcade games as unlockables. Too bad they royally screwed up the controller config on that version! (It was setup as (A) (B) instead of how it should have been (B) (A).
@Zazabar: I wish they would at least add support for the keyboard controller even just to play the guitar and bass parts as you could with RB3, but honestly I don't see the reason behind deleting the keyboard support on pre-existing songs
@otterbee: sense of accomplishment, stress reducer? Just reaching here. :P
I have fun playing with the fake stuff as well as real instruments. It would have been nice if Harmonix would have at least kept the Pro Mode instrumentation in place. I enjoyed playing Rock Band 3 with the keyboard in Pro Mode so for them to do away with that seems like a step back, but whatever. I still bought RB4 for $29.
@jinzo9988: Yeah, but can you blame these companies.. Who wouldn't want to get paid before actually giving anything away? It's genius and gamers are falling for it.
Some companies are also afraid of bad reviews coming out before people blindly purchase their games which is why everything has review embargoes now.
spoonmanx's comments