spoonybard-hahs' comments

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Edited By spoonybard-hahs

@ Kori260 If all games were nothing but Nukem-esque, I could see your point. But they're not. Art can have either meaning or just be something aesthetically pleasing to look at. Most times, it's left up to the eye of the beholder. In others, the artist has a clear statement that they extoll when someone misinterprets their work. The Statue of David is indeed an example of art, but there are plenty of examples of "art" being nothing more than shock and schlock. By the way, that feeling you have about Duke Nukem? Yeah, that's exactly what the developers were going for.

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Edited By spoonybard-hahs

@ JustinCoplen John Gabriel's Greater Internet D-Wad Theory: Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total D-Wad. As someone who is married, I can speak from personal experience on the subject of female gamers. When it comes to games, women can - and do - play just as hard as men. And even of they are terrible at one aspect of the game, they can usually find another they can excel in. My wife will be the first to admit she sucks at Halo. That is, until she gets her hands on a plasma sword. While true, the plasma sword can be devastating in anyone's hands, watching her go is like watching a NatGeo doc about large feline predators. She's a suck shot, and will often find herself in the middle of the match rankings (more often than not, because of pure luck). But if we're on a map with a plasma sword? Everyone eats it and she can come back from a staggering deficit and destroy the match leader. For those of you who extol ant-female rhetoric when it comes to gaming: grow up. It's that kind of crap that keeps the world from experiencing another renaissance.

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Edited By spoonybard-hahs

Tekken Caption: "Oh yeah! I'd hit that! And the broad's not bad looking, either!"