@Vodoo: Good looking out, bro. My old subscription just ended and I was hesitant to renew it. Didn't want to pay full prince, so this came in just in time.
Literally every single title this worthless company announces, it gets destroyed on the socials. Within the next three or so years, i see them going bankrupt, and get acquired by Sony or MS.
Cringesoft has the worst higher ups since Bobby Kotick left. The kind of filth you do not want all your developers to be managed by.
Sounds like you're all up in your feelings with this game with you repeating yourself. I wonder what's got you so triggered?
First, that's not ancient Japan. Second, black people DID travel the world, whether by their own volition or against their will, just like every other group of people back then.
@mogan: There's good reason why people say that. Remember when Jeff got fired from Gamespot and it turned out the reason was cause he gave Kane and Lynch 2 a negative review even though the publisher paid for boatloads of front page ads?
Remember when it came out that Sony threatened to pull ad money due to a less-than-stellar Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction review?
I'm not saying money directly changes hands in exchange for positive reviews, but the "Hey if i do this then i'm expecting you to do this" mentality simply has to still happen. Happens with movie, book and especially music media as well on any site that affects Metacritic scores - which is why i ONLY trust Youtube reviews from fans of the actual genre in question. They're usually 30-ish minute reviews that come out much later than the game but they're much more trustable than a review thrown together by somebody in a week to meet video deadlines. Random numbered scores (especially of a massive RPG expansion) mean ansolutely nothing imo
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